Monday, September 19, 2011

SS Painting Diary Update

As promised, here is my WIP for Strakov.  I do not have a WIP shot for the first part which was only priming and then completing the skin tone.

In this update I have completed painting the scenery on the base (Cork rock) and the lower extremity of Strakov himself.  I have put a basecoat on most oft areas that will be red and black in the upper torso.  I am not one who does all the basecoating first and then the layering.  I probably would be able to paint faster if I did but I can't seem to get myself to do it.

Hope you enjoy.  Will post another update as I get further.


Saturday, September 17, 2011

SS Painting Diary

I have completed Josef Grigoravich as part of the SS Painting Diary challenge.  Sorry there are no WIP photos as I was not documenting the process.  Will do so with the next models as I go.

Before applying paint

Next up will be Strakov

Rankings HQ Warmachine Super Series Painting Diary

I entered myself in the Warmachine Super Series Painting Diary challenge started by Rankings HQ.  As I have a Khador force (mostly non-painted) I felt this was a good way to challenge myself to get cracking on painting my forces.  We have to paint one warcaster, one solo, one warjack and one unit by the end of November.

Here is what I selected:
Warcaster:  Strakov
Solo:  Josef Grigoravich
Warjack:  Juggernaut
Unit:  Winter Guard Rifle Corps (Full unit of 10)

My plans are to paint them with the scheme based on the "Unbreakable 111th" shown in the Mark I rule book supplement Superiority.